Cooperation, Achievement, Respect, Enthusiasm, Safety
Our code of conduct helps guide our school towards achieving the goals described in our mission statement. Students are encouraged to understand their responsibilities as learners and citizens of our school community by consistently practicing the elements of our code of conduct. Our code of conduct applies to all members of our school community in all environments associated with school functions. All participants are guided by our code of conduct while acting as ambassadors of our school.
Annual review of our code of conduct occurs with students, parents and staff to encourage the promotion of the expectations in the code of conduct.
Conduct is consistently monitored to ensure codes reflect current and emerging situations that contribute to school safety.
Student Recognition
To support our work with students achieving our code of conduct and behaviour expectations students are recognized for their positive efforts
through regular in class celebrations, and through our C.A.R.E.S. Card individual recognition program.
Encouraging Appropriate Behaviours
At Arrow Heights we will teach, identify and expect positive behaviours. Although our students consistently demonstrate appropriate choices, there are occasions when some may demonstrate behaviours that are deemed inappropriate. Behaviours that require intervention are identified in the following way and act as a guideline for students, parents and school staff. We foster a growth mindset, and each child will be given the opportunity for restitution to help resolve and learn from the behavior.
Behaviour Interventions
Minor Behaviours
Expectation violations that are disruptive to learning or are without regard to others or the school environment. Behaviours typically are unintentional infractions with no intent to harm and are generally isolated or rare incidences.
Infractions are primarily teaching opportunities which may result in a reminder of school expectations resulting in a correction. Student restitution/resolution and/or consequences appropriate to the infraction may be imposed as necessary.
Moderate Behaviours
Behaviours that may be chronic, more serious in nature, unsafe, disrespectful or hurtful. Moderate infractions are typically intentional and purposeful and may affect the tone and safety of the school.
Student restitution/resolution and parent/guardian contact. Restorative action and/or consequences appropriate to the infraction may be imposed. Reflection form will be used to encourage improvement and will go home to be signed.
Major Behaviours
Behaviours that are illegal, violate the human rights, wellbeing and safety of others or have the potential to impact the personal safety of the student.
Parent contact and conference including limits to classroom or school contact as necessary for personal safety and safety of others. District protocols including district Threat Assessment Protocols will be followed and multi-agency consultation may occur for support.
- Whenever possible and appropriate, consequences for breaches of the code are fair and reasonable and restorative in nature.
- Age, maturity, and special needs of students are considered when determining appropriate action.
- School officials may have the responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct (e.g. parent, school district officials, police and/or other agencies as per fair notice guidelines).
- All reasonable steps will be made to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a code of conduct.
Community School Threat Assessment: Fair Notice
What behaviours warrant a Student Violence Threat Assessment to be initiated?
A Student Violence Threat Risk Assessment will be initiated for behaviours including, but not limited to: serious violence or violence with intent to harm or kill, verbal/written threats to harm or kill others, online threats to harm or kill others, possession of weapons (including replicas), bomb threats (making and/or detonating explosive devices), fire setting, sexual intimidation or assault and gang related intimidation and violence.
Duty to report
To keep school communities safe and caring, staff, parents/guardians, students and community members must report all threat-related behaviours.
What is a threat?
A threat is an expression of intent to do harm or act out violently against someone or something. Threats may be verbal, written, drawn, posted on the Internet or made by gesture. Threats must be taken seriously, investigated and responded to.
What is a Site-Specific Threat Assessment Team?
Each school has a Site-Specific Threat Assessment Team. The team may include the principal, teachers, counsellor(s) and a member of the local police agency.
What is the purpose of a student threat assessment?
The purposes of a student threat assessment are:
- To ensure the safety of students, staff, parents and others
- To ensure a full understanding of the context of the threat
- To understand factors contributing to the person of concern’s behaviour
- To be proactive in developing an intervention plan that addresses the emotional and physical safety of the person of concern
- To promote the emotional and physical safety of all
What happens in a student threat assessment?
All threat-making behaviour by a student shall be reported to the Principal who will activate the protocol for the initial response. Once the team has been activated, interviews may be held with the student(s), the person of concern, parents and staff to determine the level of risk and develop an appropriate response to the incident. Intervention plans will be developed and shared with parents, staff and students as required.
Can I refuse to participate in a threat assessment process?
It is important for all parties to engage in the process. However, if for some reason there is a reluctance to participate in the process by the person of concern or parent/caregiver, the threat assessment process will continue in order to promote a safe and caring learning environment.
Collection Notice
The School District is subject to personal information privacy laws and will undertake the collection of this information in compliance with the requirements of such laws, including by limiting collection to information that is relevant and necessary to address a risk or threat and by ensuring that information is collected from online sources is only obtained from open source sites. The School District will not collect information as part of a threat assessment unless there is reason to believe that a risk exists. Information collected as part of a threat assessment may be provided to law enforcement authorities in appropriate circumstances.
At Arrow Heights Elementary School we are committed to providing a CARING environment and as per the Human Rights Code (RSBC 1996) that is based on the equality of persons and is free from discrimination. A person must not imply or present any statement or communication (written, spoken, electronic or drawn) that intends to, or indicates discrimination against a person, group or class of persons, or is likely to expose them to hatred or contempt because of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age. Accommodation service or facility must not be denied without a bona fide and reasonable justification.
Bullying vs. Conflict
Bullying is a persistent pattern of unwelcome or aggressive behaviour that often involves an imbalance of power, and/or the intention to harm or humiliate someone. Conflict on the other hand is generally a disagreement or difference in opinion between peers who typically have equal power in their relationships. It’s usually an inevitable part of a group dynamic.